On Tuesday 15 November ACROSS will participate to the first edition of the Workflows Community BoF.

The event will bring together researchers from the workflows, HPC, and AI/ML communities that work on scientific research questions that require large-scale, distributed, and AI-heavy computing. The session will present an update on challenges, opportunities, new research directions, and future pathways, and will seek input for updating a community roadmap on HPC and AI workflows research and development.


  • 12:15pm-12:20pm — Opening remarks
    Rafael Ferreira da Silva – Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Rosa M. Badia – Barcelona Supercomputing Center
    Kyle Chard – University of Chicago
    Olivier Terzo – LINKS Foundation
  • 12:20pm-12:50pm — Lightning talks: Challenges, opportunities, new research directions, and future pathways
    Overview of European initiatives focusing on the orchestration of HPC, AI, and Big data
    Alberto Scionti, ACROSS/LINKS – Jorge Ejarque, eFlows4HPC/BSC Adaptive multi-scale molecular simulations for studying complex biological phenomena
    Arvind Ramanathan, ANL Machine Learning Driven Dynamic workflows on Leadership Class Systems to Resolve Multiscale Phenomena
    Timo Bremer, LLNL Integrating Research Infrastructure to Accelerate Science
    Ben Brown, DOE – Bill Miller, NSF
  • 12:50pm-1:15pm — Community roadmap discussions

For more information: https://workflows.community/bof/sc22/